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Peace on Earth Collection

For the Peace on Earth collection I envisioned a series of winter landscapes that weave a theme of stillness and quietness. Each landscape opens a window for moments of quiet contemplation, of solace, of respite. Despite the harshness of winter, in spite of life's noise and chaos, there is a stillness that speaks of peace. Peace in the midst of trouble, peace in the waiting, peace in uncertainty. Peace because inner stillness drowns the screaming voices, the still small Voice calms the roar of thunder. Peace because it's ours for the taking. The hand who gave it is not swayed by storm or lightning. He gives peace and peace unfolds and flows and rises. Like a whisper and a blanket, like a mother's kiss and reassuring smile, peace covers chaos, the chaos in the human heart. So we join with the choirs in stillness and strength, and sing for the peace that endures, for the strength of today, for the hope of tomorrow, and the faithfulness that never wanes.

The Gather Collection

This collection gathers an array of blossoms in small and delicately painted glass vases. It is a meditation on the small things that scattered throughout our days may be so easily overlooked and forgotten. Honoring the seemingly small blessings by placing them in precious crystal vases is an invitation to pause and notice, remember and give thanks. Each of these paintings is one of a kind. There are no copies or replicas in the original format.

Fall Leaves and Landscapes

Fall is a transitory season that leaves a lasting impression. This year we enjoyed brilliant colors and warm days, a combination that made it impossible to resist the call of the great outdoors. I collected more leaves than I could ever paint but each of the leaves I painted captures a moment of vibrant life, the life of a leaf, the life of a season. Farewell fall and winter, we're still not sure if we're quite ready for you yet so we'll linger in fall for as long as we can.

Landscape moves us, shapes us, connects us. It awakens in us the songs that long for Home. 

From my Garden to your Home

Some of my most favorite things to paint are flowers, for their symbolism and their beauty, their freshness and their fragrance. Over the years I have painted enough flowers to create a veritable garden so I am calling this collection "My Garden" and I hope you will find as much joy and delight in it as I have.

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